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5 Summer Blooming Pollinator Plants

5 Summer Blooming  Pollinator Plants

Summer is in full swing which means that plants that were once blooming are no longer flowering, but pollinators are still foraging for food. Sometimes, thinking about ways to include flowering plants throughout the gardening season can be an oversight. Luckily, here are a few blooming plants you can plant to support pollinators through the rest of the summer:

Purple Prairie Clover

A short to medium stem native plant, the Purple Prairie Clover primarily blooms between July and August. These drought tolerant full-sun flowers attract many different species of pollinators including bees and butterflies.

Purple prairie clover (above) is readily consumed by many types of wildlife. During early growth stages, its foliage is consumed due to its high nutritional value. The purple flowers also attract many different species of pollinators such as bees and butterflies.

Showy Goldenrod

Not to be mistaken as ragweed, Showy Goldenrod is a medium height flowering perennial plant in the sunflower family. Blooming between July and September, Goldenrod requires full sun to help its clusters of bright yellow flowers to grow.

Spiked Blazing Star

Blooming from the top of the plant down, the Spiked Blazing Star plant is native to Ontario and Quebec. The purple flowers can be seen and enjoyed between July and August on a medium plant that requires both sun and part share to thrive. The Spiked Blazing Star is tolerant of drought, clay and is best planted in rain gardens.

Wild Bergamot

Blooming between July and September, Wild Bergamot is a medium-tall plant that is tolerant to drought, clay and black walnut. Wild Bergamot requires sun and part shade for healthy growth; they thrive in a wide range of soils regardless of their acidity levels, and textures.

New England Aster

Blooming in August and September, the medium to very tall New England Aster requires full sun. These plants are tolerant of clay-based soils, and thrive in rain gardens. Adding this large purple petaled flower is sure to attract pollinators over the duration of the summer. Pollinators such as bumblebees love the New England Aster.