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Plants That Grow in Rocky Soil

Plants That Grow in Rocky Soil

Just because you have rocky soil doesn't mean you have to give up your dream garden. While rocky soil presents unique challenges, there are plants that will survive and thrive in this type of soil.

Best Plants for Rocky Soil:


Succulents are suited to areas with rocky soil and hot temperatures. Try aloe vera, agave or banana yucca. Cacti are also suited to these types of environments. Succulents do best in USDA zones 9 through 11.

Mediterranean Plants

Plants that are from Mediterranean regions - lavender, rosemary and olive trees - do well in rocky soil that is hot during the summer but also enjoys cold, wet winters.


Grasses such as prairie grass can also do well in rocky soil and can look strikingly beautiful. Try little bluestem for a grass that can tolerate shallow, rocky soil. This grass grows best in USDA zones 3 through 9.

Desert Sage

If you are looking to add a little vibrant color to your landscape try desert sage. These beautiful purple spikes add color from spring through fall and can also help attract butterflies and bees to your garden. Royal catchfly is another colorful plant that grows well in USDA zones 3 through 9. The beautiful clusters of scarlet flowers allow you to add pops of color throughout your garden.


Evergreens can help you add texture and color to your landscape. While there are many evergreens that prefer rich soils, junipers tend to do well in rocky soil, particularly in USDA zones 3 through 9.

Many experts also suggest using plants native to your local area if you have rocky soil. Check with your local garden center to see what types of plants they offer, and remember: even with rocky soil, proper soil preparation can go a long way when it comes to growing a beautiful garden.